Piping Meringue Icing on Mamoul mad Ashta. Garnish with BlackBerry, Blueberry Red curren berries and Mint Leaves. Chef Danish

Ingredients for Meringue

  • 3/4 cup (170 g) granulated white sugar
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  1. It is best to make this frosting in a metal bowl from a kitchen mixer. But if you dont have one you can make it in a double boiler, using a hand mixer.
  2. place all ingredients in the mixer bowl and whisk until well combined. Fill a saucepan with water about (2-3 cups). The saucepan should be large enough for the mixer bowl to “rest in it” but without touching the bottom of the saucepan.
  3. When the water is shimmering place the bowl in the sauce pan and whisk the mixture. The mixture must not boil. Whisk until all the sugar is dissovled or you will end up with a grainy looking frosting. Check to see if it has reached a temperature of 160-170 F (70-75 C) Remove from the saucepan.
  4. Place the bowl in the kitchen mixer with the whisk attachment on. Whisk the meringue frosting until stiff peaks forms and has a glossy look. This can take up to 12 -15 minutes or more.
  5. When the white meringue frosting is ready, you can use it as it is or color it with food gel colors. This frosting will crust over time but the center of the frosting swirl will still be thick and fluffy.

INGREDIENTS for Mamoul mad Ashta

Ghee / soften butter                        250 gm/ 1 cup

Sugar                                                    125 gm/ 1/2 cup

Milk powder                                       35 gm/ 4tbsp

Baking soda                                        3 gm/ one pinch

vanilla                                                   few drops

Dry yeast                                               15 gm/ 1 tsp

semolina (fine)                                    500 gm/ 3 1/4 cups

Flour                                                        1 cup

water                                                       155 ml / 1 cup


Ashta cream / malai /khoya (optional)       400 gm

Fresh milk                                              1 lit

Corn flour                                                100 gm/3/4 cup

sugar                                                          50 gm 1/4 cup

Sugar syrup 

Sugar                                                       500 gm/ 2 cup

water                                                       150 gm / half cup


Pistachio                                              25 gm

Rose petals                                           few



  • soak the cornflour in half cup of milk
  • bring boil rest milk and add slowly cornflour and keep steering until its became thick.
  • pore in in big tray and allow to cool.


  • mix well ghee or butter with sugar , baking soda, yeast and vanilla.
  • shift flour and semolina and mix it well again.
  • add water and again mix it again.


  • dived the dough into two part equally
  • take any tray or salver  about ( 35 cm diameter ) and sprinkle the crushed pistachio.
  • take a plain poly-thin  and spread the half dough and make a plane surface and turn on salver or tray and place it properly then remove the extra dough from edges.
  • now mix stuffing with ashta/ malayi/ khoya, and place equally in center of dough which is in tray or salver .
  • again take a plain poly-thin  and spread the half dough and make a plane surface then cover the stuffing from the top
  • trim from the side and close the edges
  • keep the oven 200’c up and 250’c down and bake it until olden brown.
  • turn over in other big salver or tray.. and   sprinkle the hot sugar syrup.
  • garnish with rose petals.
  • serve hot or cold.

2 thoughts on “Piping Meringue Icing on Mamoul mad Ashta. Garnish with BlackBerry, Blueberry Red curren berries and Mint Leaves. Chef Danish

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